Hakkımızda/About Us

Liseli iki yakin arkadas Lara ve Revna uc senedir kesintisiz olarak Istanbul kesiflerine devam eder iken Lara AFS Degisim Programini kazanir, bir seneligine Amerika'nin Charleston sehrinde yasayacaktir.Ancak bu ayrilik maceralarinin ve dostluklarinin bir sonu degil, aksine bir baslangicidir. Revna İstanbul sokaklarinda tirim tirim dolanmayi surdururken, Lara yepyeni bir hayata adim attigi Charleston'daki kesifleriyle Revna'ya meydan okur. Boylece bu iki kafadarin blog uzerinden surdurecekleri kitalar arasi gulunc bir mucadele baslar. Simdi ise aradan iki sene daha gecmis ve bu sefer Lara Fransa'nin Toulose sehrine okumaya gitmistir. Bu yolculuk yeni bir maceranin kapisini daha aralar ve simdi de bu iki arkadasin gerek İstanbul gerek Fransa'daki kesiflerine tanik olup, dostluklarinin renkli anilarini onlarla paylasacaksiniz.

Two high school teens, who are best friends, Lara and Revna were continually exploring the beautiful city Istanbul for three years, until Lara had the opportunity to experience a whole one year in Charleston in the USA by AFS Exchange program. But this separation was not the end of their friendship and explorations, unlike it was a beginning. While Revna was continuing to get around in Istanbul's elegant streets, Lara was challenging her with her discoveries in Charleston. And now, after about two years Lara is going to study in the beautiful city Toulouse in France. This is again another beginning of an adventure for these friends after their funny 'intercontinental' competition. Now their page is dedicated to share the colorful memories of their friendship and their new discoveries both in Turkey and France, especially in İstanbul and Toulouse!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Türkiye'de Bir Sanat Kampı/ A Secret Art Camp in Turkey

BLOG maceramizi beraber yaptigimiz en son kesfimiz ile baslatmak istiyorum! Malum yaz geldi, biz de sevgili İstanbul'umuza bir sureligine veda ederek solugu Ege kiyilarinda aldik.Bodrum'da soyle bir bronzlasip yaz havasina girdikten sonra kendimizi Fethiye'deki KAYAKOY SANAT KAMPI'nda bulduk.Bu kamp Kayakoy adli eski bir Rum Koy'unde yesillikler altına saklanmis yaraticilikta sinir tanimayan bir tatil alani.Meyve agaclari ile cevrelenmis bu sirin yerde misafirler cadirlarda,cardaklarda veya pansiyon odalarinda kalabiliyorlar.Biz boceklerden korktuk,odaya kactik ama gozumuz sevimli cardaklarda fena kaldi.Fethiye'nin bunaltici havasinin aksine kamp alani pufur pufurdu.Burasi doga ile ic ice, huzur icinde olmak isteyenler icin mukemmel bir alternatif.

I want to start our blog adventure with the last place, which Lara and I discovered together! As summer came, we had to say goodbye to our lovely İstanbul for a period of time and found ourselves on the Aegean coasts. After we had gotten a suntan and gotten into the summer mood we went to Fethiye and visited KAYAKOY ART CAMP. This camp is unlimitedly creative and is hidden between greens in an old greek village which was called Kayakoy. In this lovely place, which is all covered with fruit trees, the guests can stay in tents,bowers or rooms. Because we were scared of insects, we decided to stay in rooms but we hankered after those cute bowers. Unlike the depressing weather of Fethiye the camping place was windy and cool. Here is an amazing alternative for those who want to spend some time in a peaceful atmosphere with the nature together. 

Kayakoy Sanat Kampinin ritueli su sekilde idi: İsteyenler gune kus civiltilari esliginde Yoga ile basliyordu. (Bizden kacmaz dedik, sabahlari Yoga derslerine katildik) Harika bir kahvalti ile enerjimizi aldiktan sonra atolyelere dagiliyoruz.İste sanat kampta burada devreye giriyor: Salsa atolyesi,deri,resim,seramik ayolyesi,perkusyon,yemek,ebru atolyesi,daha neler neler...Atolyeler ardindan nefis bir ogle yemegi ile tekrar enerjimizi depoluyor ve uzun yuruyuslere tam takim hazırlaniyoruz.Bir hafta sure icinde her gun farkli bir yere yuruyus yapiliyor ve her yuruyus sonunda kan ter icinde kalan bizler harika koylarda deniz sefasi cekiyoruz.
Trekking macerasi ardindan kampa tekrar gerı yurunuyor.Yorgun ve ac misafirler leziz aksam ziyafeti ile karsilaniyorlar.Gece boyunca kampin harika muzik arsivi esliginde sohbetler donuyor, biralar tokusturuluyor, kutu oyunlar oynaniyor.

The daily schedule of Kayakoy Art Camp is like this: Those who want can begin the day with Yoga.( We joined the yoga class almost every morning). After a great breakfast we split into different workshops. In this point art steps in the camp: Salsa workshop, leather, drawing, ceramic, percussion, cooking, marbling, workshops and more... After the workshops we gain our energy with a delicious lunch and prepare for the trekking. During the whole week we walk very long distances, each day to a different place and in the end we jump with our tired bodies into the sea near beautiful coasts. 
After trekking we walk back to the camp. The tired and hungry guests are welcomed with a yummy dinner. During the night people chat, clink beers, and play table games accompanied by wonderful music of the camp.

Kampin basit, yaratici ve zevkli dekorasyonun yani sira yemekleri de bir enfesti! Kampa ayagimizi basar basmaz burnumuza guzel kokular gelmeye baslamisti ki on dakika sonra hayatimizin en leziz gozlemesini yedik. Kayakoy'de bulunan kocaman bir ailenin islettigi kampta yemekler de yine bu ailenin marifetli teyzelerinden cikiyor.Hersey koy usulu, temiz ve cok lezzetli. Ozellikle burada yedigim patates kizartmasini hayatim boyunca unutamicam. Patateslerin bu kadar lezzetli olmasinin sebebi kocaman bir tencerede odun atesi uzerinde kızartilmasiydi heralde!

As well as the simple, creative and pleasant decoration of the camp the food is also really tasteful! When we first arrived into the camp we smelled some really good smell and just ten minutes later we were eating the best turkish style pancake ever. One of the huge families of Kayakoy village runs this camp and the food is also prepared by the lovely aunts of this family. Everything is fresh and very delicious. Especially ı will never forget the french fries which ı ate here. I thing the reason why it tasted so good was because it was fried on a very large pan on firewood!

Kayakoy iste bu tas evlerden olusan terk edilmis bir rum koyu.Dag etegine yerlestirilmis bu 3000 kusur kaya evlerde yasiyormus bir zamanlar rum halki.Mubadele ardından evlerini terk etmek zorunda kalan koyluler bu koyun ozlemiyle yasamislar hep. Rum halkin yerine gelen Turkler ise yuksekte yasayamayacaklari dusuncesi ile birakmislar bu kaya evleri oldugu gibi, asagiya yerlesivermisler. İste bir zamanlar icinde hayat olan bu tas evler simdi yalniz,bizi izliyor.

Kayakoy Village consists of those ancient stone houses. Thats why we call this village Stone Village. Here is an old greek village. The greek people used to live in these 3000 stone houses that were placed on a foothill. After the population exchange the Greek were forced to leave this village but they could never forget those beautiful memories here in Stone Village. When the turkish people came, they didn't want to settle on the foothill. So they left these houses as they are and settled on downhill. Now these houses, in which life existed in early days, are lonely, watching us.

Her gun 45 dk ile iki bucuk saat sure arasinda degisen yuruyusler yapılıyordu. Yuruyus sirasinda elbet  ufak aralar verip dinleniyorduk. Bitis noktasina vardigimizda ise bizi essiz manzaralar kucakliyordu. O an ne yorgunluk ne de baska birsey dusunebiliyordunuz. Yalnızca siz ve doganin o asil durusu, tuylerinizi urperten sessizligi...

Each day we had a trekking route, which changed between 45 minutes and two and a half hours. Of course we made some breaks during the walking. And when we arrived to the endpoint unique landscapes were welcoming us. At that point you can not think of your tiredness or anything else. Just you and the amazingly beautiful nature and its silence.

Sanat Kampi ile haftanin her gunu yaptigimiz yuruyusler sirasinda birbirinden guzel koylarda denize girdik, resmen daglari tirmandik ve belki de hayati tehlikeler atlattik :) Ama suphesiz hayatimizin en buyuleyici manzaralarini gorduk.

During the walks which we made with the art camp we swam in wonderful seas, climbed mountains and even experienced some dangerous moments! But we certainly saw the most wonderful views in our lives.

Hatirladigimiz kadariyla yurudugumuz bazi yerler: Soguk su( Buradaki deniz hakikaten bacaklarinizdaki kan dolasimini donduracak derecede soguktu) , Kabak Koyu, Darbogaz, Oludeniz, Kelebekler Vadisi
Kelebekler Vadisinde bu sefer yurumedik, resmen kayalari tirmandik.Sicak havanin verdigi bunaltiyla tirmandigimiza bin pisman oldugumuzda yolun sonunda bizi bir selalenin bekledigini henuz bilmiyorduk. Karsilastigimiz an kiyafetlerimizle beraber selalenin taptaze suyunun altina daliverdik.

Some places that we went are: Cold Water ( Here the sea was really extraordinarly cold), Kabak Valley, Darbogaz, Oludenız, Butterfly Valley.
In Butterfly Valley we didn't walk, we openly climbed the rocks. With the mugginess which the hot weather gaved us we were almost regretful but we did'nt know that a waterfall was waiting for us. When we saw the waterfall we immediately got under the fresh water.

Kayakoy Sanat Kampi ikimiz icin de essiz bir deneyimdi.İste ilk yayinimi da beraber yapmis oldugumuz kesfimizle baslatmis bulunuyorum sevgili Lara'cim. Daha nice kesiflere ! 

Kayakoy Art Camp was a great experience for both of us. So ı made my first post by sharing our last discover together dear Lara. I wish we will discover lots more ! 

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