Hakkımızda/About Us

Liseli iki yakin arkadas Lara ve Revna uc senedir kesintisiz olarak Istanbul kesiflerine devam eder iken Lara AFS Degisim Programini kazanir, bir seneligine Amerika'nin Charleston sehrinde yasayacaktir.Ancak bu ayrilik maceralarinin ve dostluklarinin bir sonu degil, aksine bir baslangicidir. Revna İstanbul sokaklarinda tirim tirim dolanmayi surdururken, Lara yepyeni bir hayata adim attigi Charleston'daki kesifleriyle Revna'ya meydan okur. Boylece bu iki kafadarin blog uzerinden surdurecekleri kitalar arasi gulunc bir mucadele baslar. Simdi ise aradan iki sene daha gecmis ve bu sefer Lara Fransa'nin Toulose sehrine okumaya gitmistir. Bu yolculuk yeni bir maceranin kapisini daha aralar ve simdi de bu iki arkadasin gerek İstanbul gerek Fransa'daki kesiflerine tanik olup, dostluklarinin renkli anilarini onlarla paylasacaksiniz.

Two high school teens, who are best friends, Lara and Revna were continually exploring the beautiful city Istanbul for three years, until Lara had the opportunity to experience a whole one year in Charleston in the USA by AFS Exchange program. But this separation was not the end of their friendship and explorations, unlike it was a beginning. While Revna was continuing to get around in Istanbul's elegant streets, Lara was challenging her with her discoveries in Charleston. And now, after about two years Lara is going to study in the beautiful city Toulouse in France. This is again another beginning of an adventure for these friends after their funny 'intercontinental' competition. Now their page is dedicated to share the colorful memories of their friendship and their new discoveries both in Turkey and France, especially in İstanbul and Toulouse!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Allegro Vivo'dan Selamlar / Kisses From Allegro Vivo

Sevgili Lara ve sayın okurlarımız,
Uzun suredır blogu ihmal edisimden dolayı ozur dılıyorum ancak yoklugumun gecerli bir sebebi vardi elbet! Yaklasik on bes gundur Avusturya'nin Horn sehrinde ALLEGRO VIVO adlı bir klasik muzik festivaline katiliyor, her gun yaklasik on saat kemanimla cebellesiyordum!

Dear Lara and readers,
I am very sorry because I haven't been writing on our blog for quite a long time BUT there was of course a reason for that! For about fifteen days I joined a classical music festival -which is called ALLEGRO VIVO and is in a small city called Horn in Austria- and struggled with my violin ten hours long each day!

Festivale gelirsek; Avusturya'nin harika sehri Viyana'ya bir saat uzaklikta yer alan Horn adli kucuk bir sehirde yer alıyordu bu festival.Horn oldukca kucuk ama bir o kadar da sempatik bir sehirdi. Kasaba desek daha yerinde ama sehir oldugunda oldukca israrliydilar! Ancak su kucucuk sehirde bile sasirilacak kadar fazla konser ve sergi salonu vardı! Festival ise oldukca kapsamli ve profesyonel bir organizasyondu. Sadece Horn ile kalmamis yanlarinda bulunan sehirlere de yayilmisti.

Japon arkadasim ve ben konserden once / Me and my japanese friend before concert

Let me give some Information about the festival:
The Festival was taking place in a small town called Horn
which was just one hour distant from Austria's great city Vienna. Horn was such a small town but really cute. It was really surprising that there were lots of concert halls in such a small town! The festival was really comprehensive and proffesionally organized.

 Yanda gorulen fotograf festival sirasindaki calismami benim icin cok guzel bir sekilde ozetliyor: Kemanim, cebellestigim Mozart sonati, olmazsa olmaz suyum, yayima surdugum recinem, aclik krizime karsin cantamda bulundurdugum gofretim ve icimi aydinlatan rengarenk birinci sinif ortami !

The picture on the left side simply shows you my violin practice during the day: My violin, the sonate of Mozart with which ı have been struggling, my water bottle which is a must, the chocolate bar that ı carry in my bag incase of a starvation and the lovely colorful 1st grade-classroom!

Festivalde gecirdigim bu 15 gun ıcınde bir yurtta kaliyor, gun ıcınde aksama kadar festivalin kiraladigi ve duzenledigi bir ilkokulun sevimli odalarında keman calısıyor, aksamları ise sık sık duzenlenen konserlere gidiyordum. Allegro Vivo'ya gelen ogrenciler ya konservatuarlarda egitim goren ya da konservatuara girmek icin sinava hazirlanan ogrencilerdi.Festivale katılan bız ogrenciler icin  Masterclass vermek amaciyla dunyanin her bir tarafindan profesorler gelmisti. Bu profesorlerden en az iki gunde bir dersler aliyorduk. Bunun yaninda Oda Muzigi ve de Orkestra calismalarina da katılabiliyorduk. Profesorlerin yani sira festivale konser vermek amaciyla onemli isimler geliyordu.

Calisma aralarinda Yoga Seanslarim! / Some Yoga during Practicing!

During these fifteen days in this festival ı stayed in a student dormitory, practiced the violin in the cute classrooms of a school that the festival rented till the evening and went to the concerts which Allegro Vivo organized almost every evening. The participants of the festival were either students who were studying in concervatories or people who were preparing for the concervatory exams. For us ( the participants ) lots of professors from all over the world came to give Masterclasses. We were taking Masterclasses from them at least every second day. We could also participate in Chamber Music groups and in Orchestra.

Ben ingiliz bir profesorden Masterclass almakla beraber Oda Muzigi calismalarina katildim. Beni dort kemandan olusan bir Quartet grubuna koydular. Telemann adlı bestecinin cok tatli bir parcasini caldik beraber. Quartet grubumuz ise pek bir uluslararasi idi ! Bir turk, bir iranli , bir japon ve bir amerikali ! Hazirladigimiz parca ile iki kere konser verme firsatimiz oldu. Hatta birinde bir sanat sergisi sirasinda calmamizi istediler ve konser sonunda oldukca kaliteli keman teli seti hediye ettiler! Kendimi adeta turneye cikmis basarili bir Oda Muzigi grubunun bir uyesi olarak hissediyordum !

Together taking masterclass from an English professor I was joining the Chamber Music. I was participating in a Quartet which consists of four violinists. We played a lovely piece of Telemann. Oh we were such an international group! A Turkish, a Japanese, An Iranian and an American ! We had the chance to play in two concerts and in one of them they even gave each of us a very special gift: A set of very expensive good quality strings! I felt like I was actually a part of a famous successful chamber music group! 

Kaldigim yurdun onunde bir de gol vardi. Yurdumun masmavi denizlerinden sonra burasi adeta buyuk bir havuz hissi verdi bana ama yine de insanlariyla, ortamiyla, yemyesil cimlerinde keyifle guneslenen gencleriyle yine unutamayacagim bir tablo ciziyordu burasi da.

In front of the student dormitory where ı stayed there was a small lake. After the beautiful blue seas of my country this lake was such a small swimming pool to me. But still with its people, lovely atmosphere, green grass and the young who enjoyed the sun, it was an unforgettable memory for me.

Allegro Vivo sirasinda muzik anlaminda cok gelistim. Bir takim guzel arkadasliklar edindim. Ancak bu 15 gun icinde inanilmaz yoruldum! Her gun yaklasik 10 saat keman calistiktan sonra kollarimin adeta beni terk edecegini ciddi ciddi dusunmeye basladim! Yemek anlayisim yok oldu! Benim icin ogunler cikolata leblebi ve meyveli yogurttan ibaretti. Tabi bu kadar yorgunlugu bunyem kaldiramadi , aksamlari kendimi saat dokuz on dedın mi yatakta uyuyo buluverdim! Eh tabi dolayisiyla blog ile de araya gecici bir mesafe girmek zorunda kaldi. E ne yapalim , muzik fedakarlik istiyor sevgili saygili arkadaslarim...

Thanks to Allegro Vivo I improved my music skills very well. Plus ı made some really good friends. However after these 15 days I am really TIRED! After practicing the violin 10 hours long each day I actually thought that my arms would really leave me! My meals consisted of just chocolate, nuts and yoghurt... I was so tired that  found myself already at nine or ten o'clock in bed. That's why ı also couldn't find any time to arrange some posts for our blog(SORRY!). But what can ı do?? Music definitely requires some sacrifices my friends...

ALLEGRO VIVO' dan sevgilerle...

Kisses from ALLEGRO VIVO

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